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Let’s remove the most devastating threat, psychological violence, out of our society

Post 6 of 8

Number of mobilities: 24
Project website: www.stopmobbingme.com

Study on psychological violence in schools – presentation
Study on psychological violence in schools – report (in Romanian)

Project report:
The Second Meeting 01-06.12.2013, Craiova, Romania

The Third Meeting 28.04.2014 – 02.05.2014, Malatya, Turkey


  • Coordinator: Malatya, Turkey – Malatya Provincial Directorate of National Education
  • Partner: Craiova, Romania – Regional Center for Teacher Professional Development

Partner institutions from Romania:

  • Casa Corpului Didactic Dolj – project coordinator
  • Asociaţia de Studii Socio-Economice
  • Şcoala Gimnazială “Gheorghe Ţiţeica” Craiova
  • Şcoala Gimnazială “N.B. Locuşteanu” Craiova
  • Facultatea de Ştiinţe Sociale

Partner institutions from Turkey:

  • Malatya il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu – project coordinator
  • Malatya Anadolu Otelcilik ve Turizm Meslek Lisesi
  • Kazim Karabekir Ilkogretim Okulu
  • Malatya Fatih Lisesi (Malatya High School)
  • Bilgi Yolu Egitim kultur ve Sosyal Arastirmalar Merkezi-BILSAM
  • Malatya Inonu universitesi-Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu (University of Inonu-Institute of educational sciences)

Dates: August 2013 – July 2015

Locations: Romania – Craiova, Turkey – Malatya

Target groups: students (direct beneficiaries), teachers, principals, students, parents, local community representatives (indirect beneficiaries)

Summary: Sometimes, a bit of word and a look or an implication is enough to destroy a person psychologically. This action called psychological violence is a kind of attack that modern people continuously face at homes, schools, workplaces, in a social environment and that slyly intrudes in the life of ours. Consciously or unconsciously imposed, psychological violence drives people into the mood of losing self-confidence, feeling inferiority and eventually causes failure in life, which is more painful than physical violence.

Taking into consideration this devastating facet of psychological violence, two regional institutions (Malatya Province Directorate of National Education and Regional Center for Teacher Professional Development) in two countries (TURKEY, ROMANIA) together with their local partners ranging from schools, NGOs and other state institutions aim to raise awareness of the awaiting danger of this societally neglected issue and thus creating a more respectful and healthier society.

In educational perspective, psychological violence can be said to occur between teacher – student, teacher – teacher, school administration – teacher and student, parent – student, student – student. Within the project, two regions with different culture and education systems will cooperatively work on reasons and solutions of psychological violence and try to raise awareness in the society and try to remove all possible factors that bring about it by a sequence of educative activities to be devised and realized especially by the participation of students and all partners. Along with some visual materials, such as posters, handouts, short movies and banners, the activities will be based on especially informative seminars, theaters, pantomimes to be performed by the students, who are real victims.

As a result, the objective of the cooperation between Malatya, TURKEY and Regional Center for Teacher Professional Development, ROMANIA is to develop ideas on how to cope with violence.

The project is financed by the European Commission within the framework of Comenius LLP Programme.

The Europeam Commission and the National Agency are not held responsible for the contents of the published materials and the use of them.


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