Project type: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme Title: Civil Society Solidarity Movement II Acronym: CISOMO II Reference number: 101148054-CERV-2023-CITIZENS-CIV Project Start Date: 01 June 2024 Project End Date: 31 May 2026 Partner countries: Greece, Romania, Germany, Bulgaria, Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Slovenia “CISOMO II” project is 24 Months visionary initiative aimed at deepening the impact…
Project type: Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership for School Education Title: Interdisciplinary use of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Acronym: InterSTEM Reference number: 2020-1-FR01-KA201-080015 Project Start Date: 01 September 2020 Project End Date: 31 August 2022 Partner countries: Romania, The Netherlands, France, Spain, Greece Objectives: InterSTEM project aims to support and improve the competencies…
Title: ROBOtics Learning for empowering the new GENerations of EU Innovators Acronym: ROBOGENIUS Reference number: 2018-1-FR01-KA201-047798 Project Start Date: 01 September 2018 Project End Date: 31 August 2020 Coordinator: Boreal Innovation, France Partners: Quarter Mediation, The Netherlands Asociația de Studii Socio-Economice, Romania Colegiul Național Frații Buzești, Romania 1 o Epaggelmatiko Lykeio Peramatos, Greece Cookie Box,…
Title of the project: “Break Down, Break Out” Project Website: Project Start Date: 01 September 2014 Project End Date: 31 August 2016 Coordinator: UNIVERSITY OF CHESTER, United Kingdom Partners: – Asociaţia de Studii Socio-Economice, Romania – Asociaţia Fantom, Romania – ASSOCIATION DES AGENCES DE LA DEMOCRATIE LOCALE, France – Fondazione Risorsa Donna, Italy -…
Title of the project: “Gamification for hard-to-reach adults – New horizons for re-engaging and re-mobilizing hard-to-reach adults in long-term unemployment situations” Project Website: PowerPoint® presentation Project Start Date: 01 September 2014 Project End Date: 31 August 2016 Coordinator: PISTES-SOLIDAIRES, France Partners: Asociaţia de Studii Socio-Economice, Romania Asociaţia Fantom, Romania UNIVERSITY OF CHESTER, United Kingdom…
Course title: E-learning in the classroom Beneficiary: Dan ROTARIU Period: 4th – 9th August 2013 The goals of the course were as follows: Provide teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate technology into their existing lessons. Familiarize teachers with current Internet trends and how they can be applied in the creation of an…
Number of mobilities: 24 Project website: Study on psychological violence in schools – presentation Study on psychological violence in schools – report (in Romanian) Project report: The Second Meeting 01-06.12.2013, Craiova, Romania The Third Meeting 28.04.2014 – 02.05.2014, Malatya, Turkey Regions: Coordinator: Malatya, Turkey – Malatya Provincial Directorate of National Education Partner: Craiova, Romania –…
Course title: Project management for the lifelong learning programme 2007-2013, Assen, The Netherlands Held by: Quarter Mediation Beneficiary: Dan ROTARIU Period: 20th – 24th August 2012 Programme: Day 1 – The Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013/Erasmus for all 2014-2020 EU Call for proposal; Fiches/actions; deadlines; useful links. Preparatory visits and contact seminars – general presentations and…
Beneficiary: prof. Alina Rotariu The course I attended is called E-learning in the classroom and it was held from September 01 to September 06 in Prague, Czech Republic. This training activity was attended by trainees from educational institutions in Malta, Turkey, Hungary, Spain, Italy and Romania. We worked in teams, in groups and individual work….